New Pathways to the Art Studio Major

The Department of Art & Art History and the Art Studio Program are excited to announce changes to the Art Studio major. We are now offering two distinct pathways through our curriculum, both of which lead to the completion of the major in Art Studio.

Please join Art Studio for a comprehensive information session about our two major pathways on Wednesday, February 12th at 4:30 p.m. in Ring Family Hall.

Currently, ARST majors spend their entire senior year developing a focused body of work, which culminates in a solo exhibition at Zilkha Gallery and is eligible for honors. By contrast, the new second major pathway does not require a thesis and places greater emphasis on coursework, including three 300-level courses. This pathway also includes a capstone portfolio, to be completed in the spring of the senior year, that documents students’ creative accomplishments in their upper-level courses. While the portfolio does not qualify for honors, it is a requirement for graduation. A comparison of the major pathways follows below in outline form.

Pathway 1: (same as current ARST major) requirements and honors thesis
Drawing 1 (ARST 131)
Minimum 4 other ARST courses (including one 3-D course)
3 Art History courses in 3 different geographical regions
Senior Seminar (ARST 350)
2 semesters Senior Thesis Tutorial (ARST 409/410)
= 11 credits
*Must be GenEd compliant
*Eligible for honors
*B+ departmental average/B overall average required to apply

Pathway 2: ARST additional course requirements and capstone portfolio
Drawing I (ARST 131)
6 ARST courses (including one 3-D course, and 3 x 300-level or higher)
3 Art History courses in different geographical regions
1 Elective (ARST or ARHA course of choice, any level)
1 capstone portfolio working with advisor spring senior year (not a credit, but a requirement)
=11 credits
*1 Individual ARST Tutorial may be counted toward 6 ARST courses
*Must be GenEd compliant
*Not honors eligible

Second-semester sophomores may declare the ARST major in their portals if they have:
Drawing I
1 other ARST course
1 Art History course
Students may be currently enrolled in one of these courses, at the time of declaration
B+ departmental average/ B overall average