Student Ombuds Drop-in 2/20 & 2/26

The Student Ombuds (link) program at Wesleyan is a peer support initiative inspired and informed by student voices.

Each Ombud serves as a neutral and impartial resource focused on empowering students considering how best to navigate interpersonal challenges, especially in situations where there are power and positionality differences. The Ombuds can support students who are experiencing or observing communication breakdown, unfair treatment, tension or other challenging interpersonal matters, particularly when the other party is in a position of power in relation to the student (e.g., a professor, coach, or supervisor).

For example the Student Ombuds:

  • Provide insight on how to start and manage a challenging conversation with a professor
  • Serve as thought partners for students working through an issue with a coach or trainer
  • Share information and tools on how to approach resolving a conflict with an employment supervisor
  • Hold a safe and supportive conversational space, simply listening and serving as an impartial sounding board
  • Explain and demystify campus support resources and formal reporting structures
  • Communicate any patterns of concern to university leadership while maintaining student anonymity 

The Student Ombuds are also available to deliver presentations and workshops on constructive communication, conflict navigation, and more. 

If you would like some advice or simply have questions about the program, come to DROP-INS featuring Neil’s Donuts:

  • Thursday, February 20, Noon-1:00p, Boger 112
  • Wednesday, February 26, Noon-1:00p, Usdan 136

Learn more about the Student Ombuds and/or make an appointment by:

Our Student Ombuds stand ready to support you!

Take good care,

Dean Ruiz